Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hello again.. I would like to say happy fasting to all muslim & happy celebrating Hari Raya (just around the corner huh?). How is ur preparation? Baju raya dah siap?? Kuih dah bakar? Hehehhe.. Dont be like me.. from day 1 fasting i already prepared all the cookie stuffs.. Im excited to baked my own cookies this year. But to be honest I'm excited about lots of thing lately especially about my dream cake house. Hopefully my dream will come true just like u guys.. Opps i meant girls.. Anyway,welcome 2 my blog once again. I will come back to update this blog as frequent as i can. Until that do take cre of ur self.. To those who balik kg,pls3x drive crefully.. Till we meet again. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hai Nida...
Nice blog..
Ni B ni...
Ayg,tlisan tu x bape nmpk sgtla..
Sbb background die biru gelap...
Tlisan ayg hitam...
Tu je...
Yg lain sume perfect...